Marketing SEO

15 SEO Best Practices: Website Architecture

Website Architecture

Website architecture: the anatomy of your online business

W Website architecture it’s a vital  key of the SEO strategy. Start to organize your small business site and begin with a good domain name, relevant for your business. Did you choose the best name possible for your online presence? Great let’s take the domain. We can help you with that. What’s next? Of course, it’s the hosting procedure !Do you need a premium hosting, a basic one? Let’s have a short chat and choose the right option for you.  We can provide you entire range of hosting services, from a very small site to an online store, email services, ssl certificats etc., all done by our professional server based on Xeon processors (48 core’s, RAM 256 GB, RAID 10 SSD); we are using: LiteSpeed, daily / weekly / monthly back-up of your data,etc.After completing the steps discussed before, we must be sure that the website architecture fulfill our business goals while delivering a great experience for our users. Let’s say you run a florist and want to start advertising your wares online and provide a delivery service for your local area. It can be easy to get a little too ambitious when you start fantasizing about having the most successful florist delivery service with stores all over the country. But how can you achieve that with just this little website?Before you start this project and build your empire, we must establish your goals and to know your customer segment that you targeting and very important: don’t try to appeal to everyone; not everyone is going to come to your site. You don’t want to scare off anyone in your key demographic by alienating them.When you start your site, everything clear in your mind, what follows are the basic, key components every website needs. These are:
  • A homepage
  • Content
  • An about page
  • A contact page
  • Landing pages
  • Good user navigation
  • Optimization for mobile
  • An attractive aesthetic
After that, we’ll delve into the do’s and don’t of user experience. So, let’s talk a little about each one.The home page is your front door of the site and the first impression is vital for your visitors. Based on this we can say that the home page is one of the most important element of your site.The kind of content you ultimately decide to include on your website will be highly dependent on your website’s intent. Here are some suggestions based on frequent components of the most common types of small business websites.While site structure is important no matter what your website type, ease of use can be the difference between making a sale and not making a sale with an eCommerce site. You need to order things in a way that makes sense. So, if your online clothing store has a page that’s ranking well for hats, you don’t want your customer to land on that page and find shoes and socks among them.Body Content Product descriptions might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many websites opt for a poorly written copy or just neglect it entirely. Try to aim for about 150 words here. Ensure that you adequately describe what you’re selling and try to use keywords, but don’t force them in there if they don’t work. This is helpful for not only your potential customer but SEO rankings, too.While you may need to defray a substantial amount to cover initial SEO planning and processes that include website design, programming, and strategizing, you can be sure to get faster and more long-term results.
“Website architecture can give you the formula for success” – Seo 4prime
Implementing SEO strategies help you to rank higher on the search engine’s results page (SERP). This means that when your target customers search for products and services that your industry offers, they are likely to find your website. When you repeatedly appear on the SERP, users become aware of your site and your business.This increases the chances of landing potential customers on your webpages.

Search Engine Optimization can be very expensive if you have a poor Website architecture

One SEO component called off-site SEO ensures that users of external pages or of social media can find your website. Being optimized for SEO increases the site’s potential to draw customers from other platforms other than the search engine.For instance, when you post content and links to our page on Facebook or Twitter, you are able to promote your website and attract more customers. One of the main goals of SEO is to attract the targeted audience through organic searches. The number of visitors to your site influences your sales and subscriptions.It also promotes the marketing of your products and services. Increased inbound traffic is always good for business because it equates to more conversion opportunities.Some website architecture SEO-related tools such as the Google Keyword Planner and Google Analytics provide quantitative data to help you understand your market, analyze the trends, and know your competitors’ standings. It helps you identify popular and valuable keywords so you can decide how to structure or revise your content.It also gives you insights on your market’s behavior such as location, times of activity, frequency of searches, technologies used, product preferences, etc. All these metrics are useful in helping you get to know your audience, their needs, and their expectations.One last thing: don’t forget to use proper keywords, friendly URLs that make sense, a clear story of your business/mission, an About Us and Contact page that will complete your site. That’s it. 🙂


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